Enzo I really don't understand Your position in this subject and why You enforce the ideia that the religion as nothing to do with things like shunning familiars, etc. and that this is not "undue influence".
If You have a religious organization that say to is members that is the God's "sole channel" on earth, everything that comes from her is seen as having God approval. EVERYTHING!
Even something like: "don't take a blood transfusion even if Your loved one face the risk of death". Well, if people are able of this, why not do things like shunning the relatives that get out from the religion, as the religion tell to do?
For Your point of view tell me one thing that You think identifies "undue influence" in a cult.
About courts and undue influence see this:
Cults in American Society: A Legal Analysis of Undue Influence, Fraud, and Misrepresentation
(see more articles about cults and "undue influence" here: http://scholar.google.com.br/scholar?start=0&q=undue+influence+cults&hl=pt-PT&as_sdt=0,5